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  1. Thank you for freely sharing (like Jesus!). I am wanting to try this project, and wondering how I would go about laundering the finished product? After all the effort, I would not want to ruin it! Any suggestions? Thanks, in advance 🙂

    1. Hi there! I’m so glad you found it helpful! Yes, I just launder my in the washing machine on normal, and then lay flat to dry. Depending on the fabric content of your sheets or rags I think that should work just fine!

  2. i love to crochet following your patterns. I am dyslexic and can’t read patterns but your charts make it so easy for me. I just wish your oval patterns would go to 20 or 25 rows for larger rugs. Than you again for your wonderful videos and cheat cards.

    1. Sure! You may check out the lady that I mention, she does an even better job of explaining all of it in my opinion and she would be able to show you how to go larger.

      1. wash and dry your sheet rugs like you would your sheets! I dry the. in the dryer about half way then hang over a chair or something to dry, flipping as needed!

  3. My grandmother used to make rag rugs out of her fabric stock. I’ve been wanting to try this for years but she passed almost 20 years ago and my mother doesn’t know how. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to trying this!!!!

  4. THANK YOU!!!
    I love the colors!
    The photos help a LOT!
    Thank you for laundry instructions!
    I can’t wait to make!!!

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