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    1. Hey there! Yes, I know, Ben was of the same opinion! It has some pretty good knicks and such that need to be touched up at least. Plus painting that roll-top would likely be a giant pain! Laziness wins on this one! Ha!

  1. Pinned! You’re doing a great job creating office workspace from tiny areas! I’m working on the same! When I get mine done, and posted, I’ll link your post to mine! 😉 We gotta stick together with small spaces!

    1. Hey there Julie! Your comment means the world to me! Thank you for your support! I can’t wait to see yours when you get done!

  2. Love your little desk! I would love to find a good deal on one of those, though I don’t have even a little space right now to squeeze it into. Love the idea of taking a small space you don’t think is useable, and turn into into a functional space. I had a spot like this, and I was able to put two TV trays next to each other, and turn it into the entryway table I had been wanting.

  3. Thanks for the inspiration! I have also been trying to squeeze a lot of children into a medium size home and it’s nice to see ideas. We plan to renovate someday but I appreciate the encouragement to make it the best it can be in the meantime.

    1. I am so glad you found inspiration to make the most of what you have. It is definitely a good choice when we do that!

  4. Please, Jenn, don’t paint the desk. It looks like it matches your molding in the room. Great idea! I love roll top desks! I have a folding desk with dresser draws in my bedroom & I just love it.

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