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  1. Thanks for sharing this recipe! I’m on day 4, so I just add flour and water to my starter or do I need to discard some? I discarded some when I fed it this morning, but now I’m questions if I just needed to add flour and water and not remove anything. Thanks!

  2. I happened upon your blog in search of sourdough starter instructions. Found what I needed!
    Out of curiosity, I went to your ‘About Me’ section, something I rarely ever do. I was surprised to see you are in Central Missouri! we also live in MO. Moved here 3.5 years ago from California. we are in very South East Texas county. How cool that we are probably close. I also homeschool my two kids…well to be honest, they do it themselves now since they are 14 and 17.
    I picked up sourdough during Covid but didn’t stick with it. It was a wild time in our lives as I had just lost both my parents in Oct ’19 (car accident.) Trying to find things to keep me busy. Dealing with covid, in CA, in the midst of deep grief from tramatic loss was debilitating at times. Baking can be my happy place sometimes so it was a good distraction.
    Anyway, didn’t mean to over share my life story. Just thought it was fun to see that we might be in close proximity.
    Thanks for the instructions!

    1. So neat to hear from you! Yes, it’s nice as the children get older and need less help with homeschool! I too love to bake but often neglect my sourdough starter. I can usually salvage it but have had to start over before! I’m not familiar with that part of Missouri, but I bet it is really different from California! Thanks for following along! Please keep in touch!

    1. That’s MY question, too!
      Do you just take a portion and mix in more flour and water and let it raise just like you would normal bread? I have never done sourdough and I’m contemplating it.

  3. 5 stars
    I just started my sourdough starter and I’m on day three today! I am wondering tho, what’s the point in keeping the discard in the separate jar before day 7 if it’s not technically active?

  4. I am on day 7. My consistency is right, it’s bubbling, and it smells like sourdough. But it is not growing at all! Do I just keep feeding and discarding until it does?

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