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  1. Jenn,
    I haven’t read the entire post yet, but I have to let you know that I have not stopped singing “Great I Thy Faithfulness” since I opened my email earlier. I will come back & read it later.


  2. What a nice gesture. My nanny lived to 90 something. She was a whip. I miss her. She enjoyed all crafts. Nice post.

  3. This is beautiful, Jenn. Most of us are living ordinary, daily lives but knowing that God is there through the mundane is such a comfort.

  4. This is wonderful!! Thank you for this wonderful reminder and thank you so much for the beautiful coloring page!

    Thanks for joining the Grace at Home party at Imparting Grace! I’m featuring you this week.

  5. I was raised in a church that sang hymns. I feel that today’s churches are stealing a valued history of the Christian faith by only singing modern “Praise and Worship”songs. These songs have been with me through times of sorrow and great joy. It saddens me that the generations that followed mine ( I just turned 60) will not know the comfort of these amazing songs!

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