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  1. Jennifer, thank you for the beautiful Bible verses. 2 Tim. 1:7 is a verse that got me through some tough times a few years ago. This is a very helpful study. ❤️

  2. Thank you for posting this. I am a controlling, untrusting person. About a year ago I came to the epiphany that this was all rooted in fear. I am most of all a fearful person. I have stopped watching the news and participating in anything that feeds my fear. I try hard to put all of my faith in God. It’s not always easy. Sometimes I start to imagine scenarios of what would happen should my husband pass away before me and then I make myself sick with worry. I realize that this is so wrong. I pray everyday that the Lord will set me free from this affliction. In the meantime I do my best to avoid feeding my fear and to live my life the way the Lord wants me to.

    1. Hi there Briana, I can definitely relate. We just have to trust God fully, knowing that He truly does want what is best for us. Our society makes it so easy to feed those fears. Let’s pray for each other!

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