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  1. Terrific suggestions!
    I like to divide my to do’s into little chunks. I’ll pick maybe three things that need to be done and focus on that and only that. When those are completed, I move on to another little chunk of to do’s. Makes life a lot simpler than thinking of all the things that need to be done and overwhelming yourself.
    I also make lists. That way I don’t forget some of those little things that need my attention and it feels so good to cross off each item as it is completed.
    I usually run errands only one day a week. That keeps me more organized and I spend less money.
    I also screen my phone calls. Unless it’s urgent, I let the caller leave a message and then call back at a more appropriate time.
    Finally, I try to do the chores that take the most energy and strength earlier in the day when I have more of each, and do quiet tasks (such as sewing) later in the day which is a good time to relax and still be productive.
    And yes, prayer time and Bible study are priorities.

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