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  1. Beautiful pictures and great story.
    I love the white markings on the baby. Those big boys look pretty mean but they’re really very sweet. 🥰

  2. What a cute story! I’m sure it’s best for baby to have all the extra nutrients from mamma for a week or so. Welcome spring to 2 new babies. ❤️

  3. Loved reading this post! On our dairy farm, my job was to care for the calves! We raised holsteins and had about 200 head. I wasn’t a huge fan of barn work, but I did love those sweet calves and named each one! Enjoy this new sweet baby girl!

    1. Oh my! I love to hear about people who grew up on a farm! Yes, my kiddos are in love with little Charlotte!

  4. How exciting! I’ve never gotten to experience a baby calf!
    Thank you so much for sharing your tips and experiences at the Homestead Blog Hop!
    Blessings, Laurie

  5. Did the heifer calf’s underdeveloped facial bones grow to be normal in length, so she had a normal bite when older, like the vet said, or does she still have an underbite? I study animals with underbite and overbite and I have examined over a thousand grazing animals, wild and domestic. A high percentage had an underbite, (between 20% and 70% depending on the species) of those animals on which I measured the bite, alive or dead. On domestic cattle, goats, sheep, equines and camelids, the animals still had an underbite when they were several years old or even very old. On a grazing animal, an underbite affects their ability to bite off foliage and get adequate nutrition, so it is especially harmful to a wild grazing animal. I was a wildlife rehabber for 50 years and I accidentally found an electrolyte in pill form that stimulates the animal’s cells to uptake needed minerals. On my website, (, I tell about the positive effects of this electrolyte with before and after photos. You can help a calf’s underdeveloped facial bones (or those of other animals) grow to normal in about two weeks. Go to my website on Google and right under the fox photo it says Explaining the use of Homeopathic Cell Salts. Click on that and my article on how the Cell Salts work and which one stimulates bone growth with the photos will come up. I assume you might have more calves and if you ever have one with an underbite again, you will be able to make the facial bones grow to normal fairly quickly. (In the PDFs to Download near the bottom of the first page on my website, there are quite a few PDFs of photo documents showing the birth defects including underdeveloped facial bones on various mammals and birds and the studies I have helped with on the birth defects.)
    Unfortunately, I didn’t see your calf’s photo until today, so it is likely too late to help it have a perfect bite. I am interested in whether it grew to normal by itself, with no treatment. I keep reading that vets say that, but as I said above, I have not seen that happen. Also, the underdeveloped facial bones are an epigenetic change and are not the fault of the genes of the parents at all, at least on those that can be stimulated to grow to normal. The facial bones obviously can’t be stimulated to grow to be normal in length if they are programmed to be short by the genes of the parents.

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