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  1. I am not going to lie. This looks like so much fun! I have always loved cows and Penelope looks so sweet!! Thanks for all the tips for this city slicker, well technically a suburban slicker!!

  2. Omg, such a cute post. Especially love the Jersey! Lol. I still have my stainless steel, no seam bucket I used for milking goats. We also did the mesh strainer! Great video too! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Very nice post Jenn, you and the girls make it look so easy. Love Isaac’s video and sound effects. So funny and creative.😀

  4. Thank you for sharing this. I so want to have a milk cow. Just haven’t jumped in because we are already so busy with the farm. You make it look so easy! Where do you milk when it is freezing outside? Would it be a requirement to have a barn? Also, is there anything special I need to know before buying a cow/calf? Testing for disease or other things that would cause milk to be bad?

    1. Hey Julie! Great questions! It is easy, once your cow is trained! I wouldn’t recommend it to a young mom with no older children to help. Having extra hands to milk on different days, and to give each other a break is so helpful. When it is just one primary milker…like it used to me with me, it can become a tiresome chore! A barn is so helpful when it is freezing or raining. It does not have to be elaborate though. We have two buildings that can be used. One is a falling down metal shed, but it does the job of keeping the wind and rain off. One is a very old wooden barn, it is cozier and in a different pasture, so we have shelter wherever she is. Neither are super tight, but just getting out of the wind makes a huge difference. We have never tested for disease prior, but we aren’t always the wisest with that. I would look for an organic dairy in your area and see about buying from them. I recently spoke to an organic dairy in our area when we were looking for a bull. I would have loved to buy a cow from him, because he clearly loved his animals and treated them and the land with the utmost respect. If you are an A2 person, you can test the cow for that type of milk by sending off a strand of her hair from her tail I believe. Hope that helps!

  5. What a fun and interesting post! I’ve milked a cow once in my life (kind of) on a school field trip in Elementary school. Definitely not the full deal. 😂

  6. Wow, that is a lot of work for every day. I loved the little glimpse into life with a dairy cow! I think it’s as close as I’m ever going to get!

    1. I understand! I’d be lying if I said we love it everyday! Just this morning, my 11 year old suggested selling the cow on our way out to milk! It’s called a chore for a reason!

  7. Hi Jennifer!

    This was so very helpful! I want a jersey cow so bad, so we can have our own fresh raw milk, but sometimes I feel rather intimidated by the idea. However, you made it look so easy, and only about 5 minutes of milking?! That’s awesome; I think I can do that!!

    So how long have you been milking her since she calved, and when do you think you’ll have to breed her again to keep her milk supply up?

    Also, does the pulling and tugging on the teats and udders hurt them at all? I was watching it going, “ouch ouch, ouch”, and had flashbacks of nursing, haha. We have goats and with goats, you don’t really tug and pull, but more so squeeze, so milking a cow seems pretty different.

    This was so helpful once again, thanks for sharing with us on the Homestead Blog Hop!!


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