Homemade Granite Cleaner | Easy and Frugal
This easy and frugal homemade granite cleaner will make your granite counters go from foggy and streaked to clean and sparkly right before your eyes. In this post, I will share a recipe for daily granite cleaner and also a paste that you can make to remove stains like hard water, coffee, or wine from your granite.

Our home has tiled granite countertops, they were here when we moved in and I have never really loved them. If they were solid I could start to like them, but the grout lines? Uggh coffee grounds and bread crumbs love to accumulate there! Nevertheless, they are mine and it is my job to clean them!
I have tried several variations of this recipe over the years and while I don’t love using rubbing alcohol or vodka, there is really nothing else that works as well. I don’t tout this as an “all-natural or kid-friendly” cleaner as clearly you don’t want your child to drink this! Keep it out of reach of toddlers!
EDIT**You can substitute witch hazel for the rubbing alcohol or vodka and it works well too! You still don’t want your child to drink it of course so keep it out of reach of children too!

Ingredients for Homemade Granite Cleaner
Keep in mind that the ratio for this is one part alcohol, vodka, or witch hazel to three parts filtered or distilled water. That way you can make as much or as little as you want. The essential oils are to help mask the smell of the alcohol or vodka. You can use as much as you like to achieve the smell you prefer. I do not add any dish soap to my recipe. Many out there suggest adding dish soap to the mixture but I find that dish soap can build up and lead to streaking so I leave it out.
- 1/2 cup vodka, witch hazel, or rubbing alcohol
- 1 1/2 cups distilled water
- 10-20 drops essential oil of choice
Granite Counter Cleaner
- 1/2 Cup Vodka, witch hazel or rubbing alcohol
- 1 1/2 Cups Distilled Water
- 10-20 Drops Essential oil of your choice.
- Mix all ingredients in a 16oz spray bottle, shake and go to town on those counters!
What NOT to Use on Granite Counters
- Bleach
- Ammonia
- Lemon Juice
- Vinegar
- Abrasive Cleaners or Brillo Pads
- Oil Based Cleaners
- Hard Water
- Disinfecting Wipes
Removing Stains From Granite
Even if you are careful with your countertops, the inevitable happens. Tea, coffee, or even hard water stains can show up. No worries, just mix up this simple paste and gently remove those pesky stains.
Mix baking soda with enough hydrogen peroxide to form a paste. Spread the paste over the stain and allow it to sit for 24 hours. You can cover it with a bit of plastic wrap. Gently scrub the paste away with water the following day.
If the stain happens to be oil-based, mix the baking soda with water and a few drops of dish soap rather than peroxide.
I hope you try this homemade granite cleaner, let me know if you like the results!

So do you scrub it on with a brush and do you need to rinse it with a wet cloth or just spray and wipe. Is it only for the granite or does it work on the grout as well. Thanks for the information.
I just use it as a spray cleaner. I use a plastic scraper on the stuck on stuff, like pancake batter after my son makes pancakes. I also clean the grout with it. I just spray it on, let it sit and then use a brush or scraper to get any gunk out, then wipe clean with a cloth.
Can I use lemon essential oil on granite?
It is not acidic like lemon juice so it is safe to use, of course in this recipe it will also be quite diluted.