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  1. Is there a substitute for mesophilic starter? I want to try this recipe but I never heard of this. Do you know if this is natural or is it something usual for cheese making?

    1. For this recipe mesophilic starter is a must. You can purchase it through Amazon, it is linked. You can also search the web for cream cheese recipes using things like lemon juice or vinegar. Personally I have never liked how those turned out. The starter gives it the most authentic flavor. Most cheesemaking will require a starter or rennet.

  2. Tried this for the first time this weekend! Tastes
    Mine end result only yielded about 1/2 cup. Any suggestions/tips? If I added more of the culture would it give me more curds? I let it sit about 18 hours! Thanks!

    1. I am not sure why your yield would be so small. You can figure that your yield will be about half of your original amounts. I suppose you could try a tiny bit more culture but I don’t know for sure. Did you use raw milk or pasturized milk?

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