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  1. I need to check out that board game. We are always trying to find board games that work with our family and that one sounds like SO MUCH fun!

    Happy weekend friend!


  2. I have bee keeping on my soon but I’m scared list. And Brussels sprouts cooked that way are a favorite of mine, too!

  3. Oh this makes me wish we had land so I could have bees! I actually had no idea that hives could die! Thanks for the fun post!

  4. Great post! The bee keeping took me back to when I was young. My grandfather raised bees and gave up honeycomb to chew on!
    My family loves board games too! A must try!

  5. We lost our first and only beehive last year. That was sad. I’ve decided to go with mason bees this year, I know, no honey but they outdo honey bees for pollination.
    I’ll have to look into that book.
    Very interesting post!
    Jersey xo

  6. What a fun post! I like these things as well. Bee keeping always fascinates me I just have no idea how to add in one more thing at our farm.😜 Going to look up that book. Dont think I’ve ever read it. Your Bi level study group sounds wonderful!

    1. Wow! I would have thought that you already have bees with your all your fruit! The book is brand new, and really is good! Maybe you have a kiddo that wants to start a new project!

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