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  1. Please note: soap recipes are VERY SPECIFIC with regard to ingredients and they should NOT be altered without first checking with a soap calculator.
    So, by that criteria, the “additives” are NOT optional, yes? It appears, by how the post was written, that they are optional, the fact they are NOT should be mentioned.

    No fragrance oils in this, only essential oils which are much better and healthier for you.
    This is a very nice recipe.

    1. As far as the additives go, they can be optional, they don’t change the amount of lye needed. The saponification ingredients are the lye and the oils, you must always check a soap calculator if you plan to change any oils or any oil amounts as if you don’t the recipe could come out very lye heavy and burn you or it could turn out with too little lye. The additives like oatmeal, charcoal and pumice don’t change the amount of lye needed. I hope that makes sense. All that to say if you don’t want to add pumice it is fine to leave it out, the same with charcoal or oatmeal.

  2. What are the exact measurements of the essential oils? Is it 2oz of each oil or 2oz total of combined oil? You mentioned it is primarily pine so I would like to get the scent right. Thank you!!
    By the way, LOVE your blog!! I stumbled across it looking for a sewing project and got lost in your posts and found this soap recipe! Thank you for helping out a fellow homesteader with some fun winter projects!

    1. Thank you so much! I am not terribly precise I do about 1 oz of the pine and then split the other ounce between the other fragrances! I hope that helps! The pine is definitely the primary scent!

  3. do you have another source for essential oils? i can’t figure out how you were able to make the soap so cheaply! those oils are expensive

    1. Yes, they are expensive now, they have gone up some. I do buy some locally that is a bit cheaper. The other thing that I calculated was the fact that you don’t use all of the bottle and you can make a few batches of soap with what you buy!

          1. Hi,

            I’m ready to try this recipe but Im wondering if the lard can be substituted by something else instead.


          2. Palm oil could be a substitute, but you will need to run the measurement through a lye calculator as the lye amount will change slightly when you change out the lard.

  4. Hi,

    Are all these oz measurements by weight or fl oz? figured I’d double check. Also the castor oil links to neem oil on Amazon… are they interchangable?

  5. Thanks so much for your quick responses. I just made this batch and your instructions worked perfectly! Hopefully my last question.. how much does the scent change as it cures? Mine mostly smells like straight pine tar with some essential oil to it (I used 50/50 pine and cedarwood). Also, I saved money on the lard as I used beef tallow rendered from my brisket trimmings, which is nice.

    1. I love that you used tallow! Interesting on the fragrance, mine literally smells like pine, the other oils are a bit lost. Perhaps the pine you used was not as strong? It’s hard to know. As it cures the fragrance may come out a bit more but not a lot.

    2. I was so happy to read that you used tallow as that’s what I would like to try as well. Were you able to use the same measurements as the lard? Thanks so much!

      1. The lye requirements for tallow and lard are very close but you should run any changes through a lye calculator just to make sure you are using the right amount. I’m glad you will be trying the recipe with tallow!

  6. Hello! So I mixed the lye, salt and ice before mixing the oils, and the lue solution heated up. Do I just wait until the temperature of that drops? Thank you! I’m looking forward to the results!

  7. When making this, I’ve made 3-4 batches with no issues at all (love this soap), however, I have had a couple of batches where there were a few small pockets of oil usually in the middle of the bar. Everything appears fine while bringing to trace, into the mold, however, when the soap sets up there are small pockets of oil. Any ideas as to what’s causing this? What can I do to correct this issue? Thanks

    1. Hi there, I have a few ideas of what might be wrong. Perhaps because of the lower temperature you are reaching false trace and the mixture is not fully saponified. The other problem could be the fragrance oils, sometimes they can cause separation. To fix the already finished batches, you could heat it up like a hot process soap in a crock pot. Melt it all down again remix and remold. The bars will have a more rustic appearance but will be fine to use. If it’s a problem with the fragrance oils, you could try adding those in with the liquid oils and mix with the lye water, this would ensure they are getting mixed together fully. I don’t have a whole post on troubleshooting problems, I probably should, but I often refer people to this post from The Nerdy Farm Wife:'ve%20recently,slow%20cooker%20to%20hot%20process. She may have some ideas that help you figure it out.

  8. 5 stars
    Thank you so much for sharing this incredible recipe! This was my first soap-making adventure, and I followed your steps exactly. I have to say, it turned out absolutely gorgeous and smells fantastic! It’s been curing for just three days, and it’s already feeling harder than a Dr. Squatch bar. Fingers crossed it lasts even longer! By the way, how long does this bar usually hold up?

    1. Great question, however, I am not sure. I am so bad at paying attention to things like that. I know my husband goes through his bars of soap more quickly than me, he says it’s because he’s hairy…I would say mine lasts several weeks.

  9. For oats, could I just just the old fashioned Quaker Oats in the kitchen? I have a grain container for blending grains into a fine powder. Will this work? Thank you!

  10. 5 stars
    I can’t wait to try this! I was running the numbers thru Soapcalc and I was wondering what water % did you use and do you superfat? I know with the amount of CO it’s high in cleansing and I don’t like soap too drying.

    Thanks Margaret Little

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